الاثنين، 31 أكتوبر 2016

What is Lupus signs?

1.      Kidney inflammation: medically speaking, people with lupus may suffer from 'nephritis', which is the inflammation that makes it harder for the kidneys filter toxins and waste from the blood. According to statistics, kidney inflammation starts at any time within the first five years of the inflammation.

2.      Painful and swollen joints: infection of lupus causes pains, swelling and stiffness in joints especially in the morning. Rash on Buttocks  At the beginning, it might be mild, and then things get more and more painful. If over-the-counter medications don't help, you'd better consult your doctor. Like all symptoms of lupus, swellings come and go if treated early.

3.      Gastrointestinal problems: people with lupus experience occasional heartburn, acid indigestion, or other gastrointestinal problems. Using over-the-counter medications, mild symptoms can be successfully treated. In case you experience frequent bouts of acid indigestion, or heartburn, try then to cut the size of your meals. Avoid drinks with caffeine and laying after a meal. If all these don't work. Consult your doctor.

4.      Thyroid problems: people with lupus are mostly prone to develop autoimmune disease. Normally, the thyroid helps to control your body's metabolism. malfunction of thyroid may negatively affect the vital organs of the body, such as: the kidneys, brains and heart.

5.      Dry mouth and dry eyes: people with lupus may develop Sjogren's syndrome, which causes malfunctioning of the glands of saliva and tears and end up with dry mouth and eye.   

الأحد، 30 أكتوبر 2016

Causes of Razor Rash

Razor burn occurs when skin is displaced and the hair follicle is twisted and pulled by the scraping action of the razor blade.
A proper shaving technique can reduce razor pain. Proper techniques include:

1.       Using a new or sharp razor.
2.      Getting the area to be shaved wet.
3.      Shaving in the direction that the hair is growing.

Before starting to shave, wet the area to be shaved by water and leave water for two minutes. That would be very enough to provide it with the biggest hydration. Natural remedies for Baby Rash

While multiple-blade razors provide a much closer shaving, they may increase razor burn in people with sensitive skins if compared with single-blade razors.

الخميس، 27 أكتوبر 2016

Eczema rash treatment

Eczema treatment

Eczema can be treated with medications, including over-the-counter creams and ointments that are made up of steroid hydrocortisone for example, Cortizone-10, Cort-Aid, Dermarest Eczema, Neosporin Eczema.  These medications are very ideal to control itchiness, swelling, and redness associated with eczema. Prescription-strength cortisone creams, as well as cortisone pills and shots, are also used for more severe cases of eczema.

Other effective drugs that might be used for patients with eczema include antibiotics (to heal infected skin) and antihistamines (to help control itching) post viral rash.

Risks associated with phototherapy include burning (usually resembling a mild sun burn), dry skin, itchy skin, freckling, and possible premature aging of the skin. Your health care professionals will work with you to minimize any risks.

الأربعاء، 19 أكتوبر 2016

Diagnosis of the cause of facial rash

Diagnosis of the cause of facial rash:
In order to diagnose the main cause of facial rash, your physician or dermatologists is expected to ask you several of which; therefore, providing your doctor with perfect answers would help a lot. Here are some question your doctor is expected to ask you:

1.       What does the rash look like?
2.       When did the rash appear?
3.       Does the rash appear on only one specific region of the face?
4.       Have you had the rash before?
5.       Is the rash spreading to other areas?
6.       What’s your dental and medical history?
7.       Do you have any diseases or conditions?
8.       What medications, supplement or herbal drugs are you taking?
9.       Have you been in recent contact with any unusual substances or environment, such as exposure to chemical or unusual plants, taking new medications or supplement, or traveling to a foreign country?
10.   Do you have any other symptoms?